Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I’ve been working since a young age… for employers and for my own company.  Like most people, I desire to be successful.  The definition of success is determined by the individual.  For some, it is having an 8-5 job that pays their bills.  For others, it’s climbing the corporate ladder.   In reading a blog from my former employer’s CEO, who states he missed some important times with his family for work and is proud of being the CEO of a multi-million dollar company. He stated, “I could not attend the holidays at our (second) home. (I) had to make sure one more deal closed before the end of the quarter.”

I believe in working hard, but being there for my family during the “life” moments is my true definition of success.  While success in business means making sacrifices…   what are you willing to give up for a deal? And how important is your presence to your family – do you think they would pick a second home over you “being there”?